Ambulantes Lungenzentrum


Ambulantes Lungenzentrum Bonn/Rhein-Sieg
Dr. Frank Forster

A warm welcome to my specialized pulmonary practice in Bonn. I am committed to your health with diligence, competence, time and the highest quality of care.

Our medical practice offers the following services:

Pulmonary practice for privat patients and self-pay patients

A close cooperation with your family doctor / lung doctor is a given.

  • Specialized pneumology care: From CT scan to treatment
    Referral with pathologic thoracic CT-scan (tumor, lymphatic nodes, unclear lung tissue or pleural disease) / Work up to diagnosis and therapy as outpatient without hospitalization including specialized bronchoscopy. A close cooperation with your family doctor / lung doctor is a given.
  • Dyspnea-screening (Abklärung unklare Luftnot)
  • Cough-screening (Abklärung unklarer Husten)
  • Checkup for asthma and COPD
  • Screening for sleep-related breathing disorders
  • Allergy check
  • Lung cancer – diagnostic workup and tumor after-care
  • Ambulant palliative care
  • Check up


Service for GKV-patients

  • General medical care
  • Allergy check
  • Screening for sleep-related breathing disorders
  • Specialized pneumology care: From CT scan to treatment
    Referral with pathologic thoracic CT-scan (tumor, lymphatic nodes, unclear lung tissue disease) / Work up to diagnosis and therapy as outpatient without hospitalization including specialized bronchoscopy. A close cooperation with your family doctor / lung doctor is a given.
  • Ambulant palliative care



You can reach us at 0228 - 22 72 73 0 to make appointments during regular office hours or use our online appointment calendar.

We strive to manage appointments efficiently. We therefore ask you to call ahead in case of a medical emergency. This enables us to block appropriate time for your appointment. We furthermore would like to ask you to cancel any appointments that you are not able to keep.


I am looking forward to meeting you!

Ambulantes Lungenzentrum Bonn/Rhein-Sieg
Dr. med. Frank Forster
Poststraße 22 · 53111 Bonn
Tel: 0228 2272730